
vanilla javascript

PermaDB also provides a vanilla javascript library to make data management easier.

The vanilla javascript library is based on IndexedDB.

To use the library in the clientside, you first have to import the required script.

To do that, you can add the script tag to your html:

<script src=""></script>

new PermaDB(db_name, [options])

Returns database

By creating a new instance of the PermaDB class, you create and open a new IndexedDB database. You can customize the options of the database with arguments.



The database name to be created. Default is perma.db.


const database = new PermaDB();

new PermaDB(db_name): database

Database Methods

All methods of PermaDB's javascript library are asynchronous.

set(key, value)

await set(key, value): value

Stores the value in the database, so you can access it with the key after.

key String

value Buffer || String || Date || Number || null


await get(key): value

Gets the value with the given key in the database.

key String

returns Buffer || String || Date || Number || null

update(key, value)

update(key, value): changed

If the given key exists in the database, changes its value and returns true. If it doesn't exist, returns false.

key String

value Buffer || String || Date || Number || null returns Boolean


delete(key): success

Checks if the given key exists in the database. If it does, deletes it and returns true. Else returns false.

key String

returns Boolean


has(key) : exists

Checks if the given key exists in the database. If it does, returns true. Else returns false.

key String returns Boolean


type(key): typeof value

Checks if the given key exists in the database. If it does, returns the type of the value. Else returns null.

key String returns String


all(): [{key, value}]

Gets all key-value pairs in the database inside an array.

returns Array



Deletes all key-value pairs in the database.

returns Boolean



Deletes the database after closing it.

returns Boolean


keys(): [...keys]

Returns the array of the keysstored in the database. returns Array


values(): [...values]

Returns the array of the values stored in the database. returns Array


objectSync(): {key: value}

Returns the key-value pairs as a Javascript Object.

returns Object


length(): length

Gets the number of existing key-value pairs in the database. returns Boolean

Last updated